A 28-member team of health care professionals from Duke University Medical Center is carrying nine tons of surplus medical equipment and donated supplies to the 1500-bed New Mulago Hospital in Kampala, Uganda. Mulago Hospital staff will be trained to use and maintain the new equipment then surgeons from both countries will join in conducting a number of brain and spinal surgeries.

The project is administered by Duke’s Global Health Institute.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Patients and Families Hope for Treatment, Cure

Everyone was surprised at how many young children were waiting to be evaluated. Many of them, like this little girl, have hydrocephalus and will need shunts to drain off the fluid around their brains. A nurse says many of the mothers who come here been abandoned by the father of their child because they delivered a baby with an abnormality. Physicians spent much of the day evaluating case by case. For some, the outcome of their deliberations will mean the difference between life and death.